Leja Stories

Stories fictional
adventures that share wisdom via storytelling

I own and operate businesses nationwide across several different brands and industries. I’m an avid reader and love learning about various disciplines and synthesizing that knowledge together to better understand the world.

I am passionate about sharing my knowledge when it comes to business, self-esteem, finances, investing, negotiating, mindfulness, habit-building, management, and other core life concepts. Most people remember stories better than facts, so my writing educates readers through creative fictional storytelling.

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Embracing the Wild

Nick Leja

A story showing how to avoid becoming fragile

Rating (10)

A story showing how to avoid becoming fragile

Nature has been around for billions of years. Humans, a tiny fraction of that.
Whether pursuing health, wealth, strength, or inner-peace, nature’s answers have been time-tested beyond anything humans can ever match. The more we fight against the natural order of things, the more fragile we become.
Embracing the Wild follows the journey of two sister honeybees, Eva and Aeryn, and shares a perspective on living in harmony with the flow of nature to avoid becoming fragile

Formats and editions








$10.15 $6.15

Product details:

Rating (34)


Journey to Enya

Nick Leja

A story about managing teams

Rating (10)

A story about managing teams

Motivating others is typically a waste of time. It’s better to work with self-motivated people and avoid demotivating them.
Easier said than done, this requires a manager’s time being spent opposite of what feels natural. However, when I fully embraced that concept, my teams flourished.
Journey to Enya is a short story starring a mouse named Martin that shows the pitfalls in trying to motivate others and offers a more effective and enjoyable management strategy.

Formats and editions








$10.15 $6.15

Product details:

Rating (34)

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The Dark Fairy

Nick Leja

A story showing individuals and teams how to listen and ensure others feel understood

Rating (10)

A story showing individuals and teams how to listen and ensure others feel understood

We are told that we should listen to others, but we aren’t taught why we should listen. More importantly, we aren’t taught how to listen.
Listening is a real-world superpower. By listening to others and making them feel understood, we can dramatically improve our lives and those of others. Through listening, I have recovered important relationships, achieved financial success in business, and freed up my time to spend it on what I value most.
On the flipside, I have witnessed others see their relationships fall apart, their careers crumble, and themselves spiral into a dark place, all because they didn’t know how to listen.
The Dark Fairy is a bite-sized fictional story that teaches how to listen, why to listen, and how to ensure others feel understood.

Formats and editions








$10.15 $6.15

Product details:

Rating (34)